First port calls for DFDS A/S new ferry ”Aura Seaways”
First port calls for DFDS A/S new ferry ”Aura Seaways”
First port calls for DFDS A/S new ferry ”Aura Seaways”
This week (week 4) DFDS new RoPax ferry ”Aura Seaways” makes her first calls with cargo and passengers in Port of Karlshamn. She is now calling the new berth and linkspan, specially constructed for the new vessel type.
Biggest of its kind
”Aura Seaways” is in principle arriving directly from the shipyard in China. For the first time in the history of ferry traffic in Karlshamn, a brand new vessel is deployed in regular traffic on Port of Karlshamn. DFDS A/S has operated the line Karlshamn-Klaipeda sedan 2001. ”Aura Seaways” has a LOA of 230 m, she is 32 m wide, can accomodate for 600 passengers and the cargo capacity is på 4.500 lane metres. In theory it corresponds to about 300 semitrailers. That is 70% more cargo than any of the biggest ferries that so far has been in traffic between Karlshamn-Klaipeda.
The sister vessel, ”Luna Seaways”, will be delivered during spring 2022. These vessels are the biggest of its kind ever trading the Baltic Sea in regular traffic.
Big investment by Port of Karlshamn
Port of Karlshamn has constructed a brand new ferry berth (no. 3), in order to accomodate for the ny vessels. At the same time the existing berth no. 2 was reconstructed with a wider linkspan, why the same kind of vessels can berth also there. In total Port of Karlshamn has invested SEK 250 Million (approximately 25 Million Euro). The project is co-financed by the EU. Further expansion will take place on the land side, with line-up areas for accompanied vehicles and facilites for passengers.
Major investments in a trade corridor with strategic importance
EU supported the expansion of the ferry port in Karlshamn. Also one earlier project with the purpose to improve the capacity for co-modality in the port via vessel and rail. The transport corridor between Sweden and Klaipeda (the Baltic states) is considered strategically important from a EU-perspective for the trade with East Europe with further connection to the Black Sea and Asia.
The investment in the ferry port in Karlshamn is just a part of a big package of investments to strengthen the important east-west transport corridor. In addition to the port expansion and DFDS new vessels, the Swedish Government plan for the new important 12 km rail link ”Sydostlänken” (South East Link). This rail link will connect important Swedish industries, as for example Volvo Cars in Olofström and IKEA in Älmhult, to Port of Karlshamn. Also other important logistical nodes further north are reached via the main North-South rail line in Sweden. Connected to the new rail link, planning is ongoing for a new shunting yard in the port area in Karlshamn.
7:th largest in Sweden and the rail node in the region
Karlshamn is today the 7:th largest port in Sweden and the largest on the East Coast between Stockholm and Trelleborg. Also one of the largest ports for forestry and liquid bulk. DFDS Seaways ferry line Karlshamn-Klaipeda is probably the route with most RoRo-cargo between Sweden and the Baltic states/Russia. Port of Karlshamn is of ”Riksintresse” (of national importance) and a TEN-T Comprehensive port. Via Port of Klaipeda, Karlshamn connects to the EU TEN-T network ”North Sea – Baltic”. Port of Karlshamn is also the node in the region for rail operator Green Cargo. There is also a container rail shuttle to APM Terminals in Gothenburg.
Major generator for jobs and business
The cargo which is passing through Port of Karlshamn generates 2.300 jobs in the County of Blekinge and contributes with 5% of the GNP in the region. Looking at the whole country 6.800 jobs are generated and the GNP contribution is 7,8 Billion SEK. This according to a study presented by the consultant WSP in Sweden.
For further information please contact:
Karlshamns Hamn AB
Mats Olsson
Tel: +46-(0)454-30 50 00
Mob: +46-(0)709-73 15 94
DFDS Seaways AB
Route & Agency Dir.
Per-Henrik Persson
Tel: +46-(0)454-30 35 01
Mob: +46-(0)70-837 04 02
Photo: Port of Karlshamn (Photographer: Mindmedia, Karlshamn)